Conditions treated by Acupuncture are wide. Traditional Acupuncture and the Traditional Chinese Medicine system has been used in the Far East for 2,500 years. It restores and maintains good health.
Sports Acupuncture is becoming commonly used. Kevin has been involved with various sports teams in the area for many years. He uses a fusion of western diagnostic skills and Traditional Acupuncture.
Acupuncture and Migraines – The World Health Organisation (WHO) and National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) both list Acupuncture as a safe and effective form of treatment for migraines.
Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture has been used to help with back pain for many years. Many Western & Eastern researchers have proven Acupuncture to be safe and effective to relieve back pain symptoms.
Chinese Medical Massage (Tui Na) differs as patients remain clothed. Practitioners use Tui Na techniques including; brushing, rubbing, kneading, rolling & pressing. This balances the body’s energy.
Kevin Young has been a follower of health, fitness and sports for many years. After he stopped playing competitive sports, Kevin decided to retrain to help other people in injury, health and wellbeing.